Shanghai, China+86-13621684178
Muter-mesin-mesin-cuci-mesin otomatis

Mesin cuci botol

Peralatan Pembersihan

  • VKPAK bottle cleaners are used to evacuate dust and other small particles from glass, metal, and plastic bottles cleaning them prior to bottling. These contaminants often accumulate in the bottle during shipping or storage, and must be removed to provide a cleaner bottle. Prior to being filled, containers are passed through a vortex curtain of ionized air generated by a transvector in conjunction with an MED static control bar. The ionized vortex which is produced neutralizes the static charge responsible for attracting dust and other debris to the surface of the containers allowing for easier bottle cleaning. Our specially designed self-centering rinsing heads are lowered into the containers and a controlled blast of filtered compressed air is injected. A vacuum is simultaneously applied to remove the loosened particulate, cleaning the bottle. This debris is then sent to a collection bag behind the bottle cleaners or can be directed into your facilities extraction system for disposal.


  • Minuman saka kabeh jinis
  • Produk panganan
  • Produk perawatan pribadi
  • Farmasi
  • Bahan kimia

Fitur & Manfaat

  • Ing baris nyilem sirah kanthi nyilut kanthi vakum.
  • Pendhaptar bottleneck lan kon gulu kaya sing dibutuhake.
  • Owah-ewahan sirah pembersih botol menehi macem-macem ukuran wadhah.
  • Mesin pembilongan botol bisa nggunakake salah sawijining mekanik skru jinis mekanik utawa penyesuaian dhuwur kanggo ngunggahake sirah sing mbilas gumantung aplikasi.
  • Tirai udhara kanthi ukuran banyu banjir kontaner kanthi hawa sing diionisasi sadurunge dibilas.
  • Rinsers nggunakake konstruksi stainless steel tahan lama sing padha digunakake ing peralatan pangisi kita.
  • Rangka baja tahan karat kanthi sikil level baja stainless digunakake ing mesin mbilas botol.
  • Panel kontrol PLC sentuhan layar sing padha sing padha digunakake ing mesin cuci botol kaya peralatan pangisi Cairan kita, saéngga gampang nyiyapake lan operasi mesin rinsing botol.
24 Mesin cuci udara Heads

24 Mesin Mesin Wisuh Botol Heads

24 Mesin cuci udara otomatis botol nyerep ing teknologi sing dhuwur saka kapal, kanthi nganggo cara gyrasi ing piranti mbilas, bisa kanthi otomatis ngrampungake proses kerja ...
Waca Luwih
Muter-mesin-mesin-cuci-mesin otomatis

Mesin cuci udhara udhara

Mesin kasebut universal kanggo botol kaca lan botol plastik sing dibilas nganggo udara. Ndadekake sistem motor servo kanggo ngowahi botol nganti ...
Waca Luwih
Muter-mesin-mesin-cuci-mesin otomatis

Mesin Ngumbah Banyu Mangan

Mesin kasebut universal kanggo botol kaca lan botol plastik mbilek nganggo banyu. Ndadekake sistem motor servo kanggo ngowahi botol nganti ...
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