Shanghai, China+86-18912389279
Lem super

Mesin Isi Super Super

  • Super glue products are highly viscous, which means that specific types of liquid filling equipment is needed to package these products. VKPAK Machinery carries many types of liquid filling machines, labelers, conveyors, and cappers that can effectively and efficiently fill and package super glue and many other types of thick industrial liquid products. We also offer equipment for liquids with lower viscosities, including water-thin fluids. We’ll work with you to fit your facility with top-quality super glue filling machinery in a complete system that can function optimally for many years.

mesin ngisi mripat
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Pengenalan Mesin Super Glue

  • We nyedhiyani akeh macem-macem model kanggo mesin pangisi karet sintetik Synthetic (SR), mesin pangisi fevicol, Mesin pangisi Super Glue , Mesin pengisi resin sintetik, Mesin Pengisi Kayu Kayu, Mesin Pengisi poliuretana, mesin pengikat ikatan Polyurethane kanggo serat tekstil, logam, plastik, kaca, pasir, keramik, karet, lan garis pengisi kayu, mesin lumahing pelekat kanggo mesin, Blu- Tutup mesin pangisi pelekat, mesin pangisi lem lem, Mesin pengisi botol sealant, botol lem kayu lan mesin pengisi Jar, Mesin pengisi karat sintetik, Mesin pengisi pelesenan Berasut banyu, Mesin pengambatan Plancong lan Laminasi Plami, mesin pengisi laminasi etika, gam getah mesin pangisi

Mesin Isi Super Super
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Fitur Mesin Super Glue

  • Botol lan Jar mesin ngisi kanggo desain Kompak.
  • instalasi trep lan pangaturan sing trep.
  • ora ngisi dosis pengisi lan akurat kanthi counter sing diwenehake.
  • Kepala nutup nyegah bocor lan nggambar kabel.
  • Isi sistem sing ngalangi nyegah froths sing dhuwur.
  • Isi Isi dikontrol dening Piston utawa Servo-motor.


Mesin Isi Super Super
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Instal Mesin Mesin Pengisi Super Glue

  • Produk lem lem biasane ing ukuran viskositas sing luwih dhuwur, dadi yen sampeyan kudu nginstal peralatan sing pas ing fasilitas kemasan. Bebarengan karo pangisi Cairan, kita uga nawakake jinis mesin packaging Cairan liyane kanthi macem-macem spesifikasi sing kasedhiya kanggo kustomisasi, kalebu ukuran lan bentuk.
  • Sawise proses ngisi cairan rampung, sampeyan bisa nginstal katutup supaya kanthong lem super nganggo tutup khusus kanggo botol, sing bisa nyegah tumpahan lan bocor kanthi efektif. Peralatan label bisa nyithak lan ngetrapake label produk ing botol kanthi merek khusus, gambar, teks, lan liya-liyane. Sistem penghantar lengkap bisa nggawa produk lem super lan saka saben bagean pemasangan pengisi lan kemasan ing konfigurasi khusus ing pirang-pirang setelan kacepetan. Kombinasi peralatan iki, kalebu mesin pangisi lem super, bisa njaga garis produksi kanthi efisien lan fungsional.

Mesin Capping Ngisi Vial kanthi otomatis
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Solusi Kemasan Cairan Lengkap kanggo Pilihan

  • There are several important steps in adhesive packaging apart from the filling process. VKPAK Machinery carries a wide variety of liquid packaging machines apart from adhesive filling equipment to keep the entire packaging process efficient and accurate.
  • Peralatan pembersihan botol bisa ngilangi rereged saka kontaner sadurunge ngisi, mbusak bledug, bakteri, lan partikel liyane. Cappers nyelehake tutup unik kanggo nutup kontan pelekat lan nyegah udhara. Mesin Labeling ngetrapake label bening sing jelas, kertas, utawa Mylar kanggo kontaner sing bisa nolak kanggo nyandhang. Sistem penghantar bisa ngeterake produk wiwit wiwitan proses kemasan nganti pungkasan kanthi prasetel kacepetan sing konsisten.
  • Fasilitas kemasan adesif sampeyan bakal entuk manfaat saka sistem lengkap sing ngoptimalake siklus urip produksi produksi nalika nawakake produktivitas sing apik.

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Nggabungake Line Pembungkusan Cairan Lengkap

  • Each piece of liquid filling and packaging equipment in our inventory enables customers to completely customize their packaging lines for super glue and many other types of liquids. We can assist you with machine selection depending on your specific application, with a configuration that meets your needs. We can also help with installation. With the help of VKPAK Machinery, you can make your production line more productive than ever.
  • If you would like to get started on the design and implementation of a system of super glue filling machinery, contact VKPAK Machinery and someone will be able to help you today. We are ready to work with you to develop a complete customized system of equipment based on your project’s individual demands.


Lem super
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Kacepetan10-60Bottle / min
Akurasi ngisi± 0,1%
Tekanan udara0.4-0.6MPa
Pasokan tenaga220 / 110V 50 / 60Hz
Isi volume isi10-5000ml kanthi macem-macem stroke lan macem-macem macem-macem model saben model pelanggan.