Shanghai, China+86-18912389279

Pangisi kebanjiran

  • VKPAK Machinery connects you to our selection of industry-grade standard pangisi kebanjiran. Digunakake kanggo ngisi macem-macem cairan, pengisi limpahan kualitas tinggi bisa ngisi cairan tebal dadi macem-macem kontaner uga cairan viskositas sedheng. Thanks kanggo presisi sing cukup dhuwur, bisa digunakake kanggo ngisi sanajan kontaner sing paling kompleks.

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Pambuka Lengkap Pengenalan Mesin

  • VKPAK Automatic Overflow Filler is typically used in consumer packaging applications where a consistent visual (cosmetic) fill level is required. The desired product to be filled is held in a stainless steel reservoir, then pumped into a manifold to disperse product to each of your filling nozzles. Once the product reaches your desired cosmetic fill level in each bottle, excess product or foam overflows back to the reservoir. Advantages of the Overflow Filler include even fill levels, variable pressure pump speed control (to reduce foam), and ease of operation.
  • Kinerja dhuwur, gampang di resiki, gampang dioperasi, bisa diluncurake kanthi murah regane. Nawakake fleksibilitas paling akeh kanthi biaya sing paling murah,

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Mesin Visual Lengkap Luwih Apik Visualitas Sithik

  • VK-OF Low viscosity pangisi pamindhahan otomatis Pabrik arang banget fleksibel, khusus kanggo cairan saka tipis viscous nganti Kapadhetan dhuwur, kayata banyu, minyak, lotion, krim, Jam, saos, madu, ketchup lan liya-liyane. Umume digunakake ing industri bahan kimia, panganan lan industri.
  • Alat ganti diterusake dening mesin CNC kanthi baja stainless steel sing diimpor kanthi kualitas tinggi, kabeh komponen utama diimpor saka Jepang, Jerman, Italia lan Amerika. Otomatis lengkap, dikontrol dening PLC, dilakokno dening layar tutul, gampang dioperasikake lan meh ora perlu njaga.
  • Pabrik pangisi kebanjiran otomatis Kasedhiyan diprodhuksi nganggo pigura baja stainless 304 lan bisa ndhukung 2 nganti 16 Isi Kontrol PLC nozzles, layar tutul.

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Parameter Pengisi Aliran Otomatis

 VK-OFLow viscosity automatic overflow filler factory
Pabrik pangisi kebanjiran otomatis kebanjiran otomatis
Nozzles Isi
2-16 nozzles, or customized
Jinis botol sing wis digunakake
Akurasi Isi
Kacepetan isi
800-4200 bottles/hour , 20b-30/min per 4 filling nozzles 1L
2200 * 1400 * 2300mm
Pasokan tenaga
  220V Fase tunggal 50HZ 380V Telung fase 50HZ
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Fitur Pangisi Luwih Alih

  • 304 Konstruksi baja tahan karat lan bagian kontak Cairan yaiku baja tahan karat 316L.
  • Komponen pneumatik lan produk listrik kanggo produk merek terkenal.
  • PLC lan kontrol layar tutul, setelan parameter sing trep.
  • Motor Servo Dipandu, siji motor servo nyetop piston siji, kacepetan dhuwur lan akurasi dhuwur.
  • Volume Isi sing akurat, ing ± 0,2 kanggo 1000ML.
  • Ora ana botol, ora ngisi, peringatan otomatis babagan kesalahan.
  • Muncul sing diblokir ngisi yaiku anti tetes, sutera, lan cairan kenthel sing dipotong otomatis.
  • Gampang dijaga, ora ana alat khusus sing dibutuhake.
  • Nyilem nozzles kanggo ngisi produk busa.
  • Tutuk botol bisa ditemokake.